what's up with north dakota?
Plots02: Per-Capita Decamillionaires by State in the US
/ sreejith & vivek / 2024-10-31
This is a quick look at the number of decamillionaires in the US by state. Decamillionaires (according to the IRS Personal Wealth Statistics data) here refer to those having a net worth of $11.4 million or more in 2019. The US population data is from the state-wise census data.
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When Sreejith shared this on reddit, one of the top questions was "What's going on in North Dakota!?" We wondered the same, and dug into it a little deeper.
Looking into the wealth contribution splits from the same data, there appears to be a negative correlation with Financial assets contribution and number of decamillionaires in states! Huh. Sreejith made the original plot using MinusX, of course, using MinusX. Here's a video:
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